How it works
The Chances for Children Program is a clinical intervention especially designed to address the unique relational, emotional and developmental needs of young children 0 –5 years of age and their caregivers. A central component of the CFC model is the use of video recording of caregivers and children at play which is a very powerful tool to engage the caregiver in thinking and reflecting about their child’s emotional needs and behavior. The video feedback provides a mirror in which caregivers discover their strengths and challenges as they relate to their children.
Dyadic services
Dyadic services are provided through individualized parent/caregiver–child sessions held for one hour each week for a period of time depending on individual family need and clinical progress.
The goals of dyadic services are:
To expand and improve the parent/caregiver’s parenting style
To strengthen the child-caregiver bond
To offer developmental and reflective parenting guidance
To screen for developmental and social emotional challenges
Group services
We offer “Growing Together” baby groups (3 –10 months at enrollment) and toddler groups (15 –26 months at enrollment) where caregivers and their children gather weekly for 1.5 hours with clinicians.
The goals of group sessions are:
To create a safe environment for parent/caregiver and their child to play, grow, and learn about each other and about their relationships
To strengthen bonds, provide additional coping strategies, and widen the participant’s capacity for developmental insight
To develop a sense of belonging and community
Training and supervision
CFC has developed and implemented a training program for social work and psychology interns and therapists at the Chances for Children Institute at Mosaic Mental Health. This allows the CFC therapeutic technique to reach more clinicians, expanding the pool of qualified parent-infant professionals, and providing CFC with the opportunity to hire clinicians directly out of the program who are already familiar with our work and the communities we serve.
CFC also provides training as requested at early childhood centers and daycares on a variety of topics. Topics for training include Infant-Child Play, Early Childhood Development, Themes of Early Childhood –Separation and Loss and Impact of Separation, Reflective Self-Care for Early Childhood Practitioners. Training can be provided for parents and also early childhood center staff and instructors.
Chances for Children offers services at the following locations:
Mott Haven
Chances for Children
Family Center & Main Office
424 East 147th Street, 4th Floor
Bronx, NY, 10455
Hostos Community College Children’s Center
A-Building, Room 109A
475 Grand Concourse
Bronx, NY 10451
Kingsbridge Heights Community Center
3101 Kingsbridge Terrace
Bronx, NY 10463
Child Development Center of Mosholu Montefiore Community Center
3450 Dekalb Avenue
Bronx, NY 10467

Chances for Children services are free and available in English and Spanish. There are no insurance requirements. Children must be under 5 years of age.
Are you a parent? Would you like to learn more?
Are you a professional? Would you like to refer a family?
Please complete the form (to the right) or contact:
Anjette Rostock
In addition, the following forms can be completed and submitted via email:
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